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Archana Bhardwaj

Archana Bhardwaj

University of Kiel


I am a passionate scientist with a deeper interest in omics data analysis and pipeline development. I started my career as a Ph.D. student at the CSIR-NBRI Lucknow, India by working on variant analysis in Plants. I was also involved in various other projects as a lead bioinformatician for data analysis for nucleosomal remodeling in plants, Bulk-RNASeq data, and ChIP-Seq data. In June 2017, I joined Dr. Kristel Van steen Bio3 group, GIGA-Medical genomics, University of liege, Belgium to focus my research on marker analysis in PDAC (Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma) based on Bulk-RNASeq and Whole exom sequencing data of short and long term PDAC survivors. In October 2020, I joined Prof Dr. Philip Rosenstiel's group at the Institute of Clinical Molecular Biology in Kiel, Germany as a post-doctoral fellow where I got the opportunity to work on spatial transcriptome data to explore the major inflammatory bowel disease Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. I am also involved in AI (digital pathology) based project to work on the Whole slides (WS) images of ulcerative colitis and develop the prediction model. My deeper interest in omics data (from Bulk-RNASeq to Spatial transcriptome, AI-based models) and applying different integration approaches have driven me to interact with different people and their cultures. In my professional life, I have developed a keen attitude to learn, propose new projects, and establish techniques and protocols even if they are not used in my laboratory.

Research Interest

Clinical Molecular Biology